Notable St. Marys’ Club Alumni-Wake Forest’s Head Football Coach Dave Clawson

As an out of town gentleman was touring the club and signing up for the fitness center a few weeks ago, he began reminiscing on the times he and his buddy came to the Boys & Girls Club of St. Marys every day after school during their childhood. The man ended the conversation with club C.E.O., Joe Jacob, asking “Have you ever heard of Dave Clawson? That was my friend who came to the club everyday.” Jacob, thinking of local people, replied, “No. I have not.” The man answered his question, “He is the head football coach at Wake Forest University.” Jacob recognized the name immediately, but was unaware and still in disbelief he grew up in St. Marys let alone came to the Boys & Girls Club of St. Marys. Jacob successfully reached out to Coach Clawson asking to confirm the man’s story and reflect on what he remembers about coming to the club, if the story was true. During the conversation Coach Clawson stated:

Thanks so much for reaching out to me and I’m glad you had a chance to meet [out of town gentleman].  I walked from the St. Marys Elementary School to the Boys Club almost everyday for 5 years growing up in St. Mary in the mid 70’s.  I had a great time after school until my Dad would pick me up on his way home from work. It was a place that keep us busy and allowed us to play sports and have a variety of experiences from boxing to shooting a BB guns.  Lots of great memories.

Jacob explains, “It is great to hear stories from any alumni, but it’s definitely a surprise when you hear of an alumni who now is on national television and he actually takes time out of his day to talk to me. It is awesome to see Coach Clawson pursued a career, much like what we do here at the club, in preparing young adults into adulthood. According to, only 2% of Division I football players get drafted so I am sure much of Coach Clawson’s practices are lessons that teach these kids how to prepare themselves on life after college. That is exactly what we do at the Boys & Girls Club of St. Marys. Giving all children a chance to succeed and prepare them for life after high school!”

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